3月 21


运动实验室,Milstein LL020
  • 添加到日历 2024-03-21 18:00:00 2024-03-21 19:00:00 备忘录:让我们驱魔!   图像 艺术家 后像 礼物: 让我们驱走! 社区Catharty Party 3月21日,星期四,下午6点 3月22日,周五,下午6点 罪人,大汗者,爵士乐手! Grab your sweatband and join us for an interactive theatrical exorcism of the things holding us back. That artifact from your past that doesn’t belong in the trash, but needs to get the hell out of your life? 你知道的. 你以前朋友送的那件毛衣, the ugly souvenir from that messy weekend, or the letter you wish you hadn’t kept from your ex...? 如果你准备好向前看了...把它带到《十大电竞游戏综合排名》! 并提供. IT. UP. With a little help from our consummately qualified Catharty Captains, 动机堵塞, and stress relieving therabands you just might gift your object - and yourself - a brand new story. 你能带来什么神器? ● Any THING that you want to: release of its hold on you, 夺取它的权力, 要么就滚出你的家. ● Digital things (text messages, emails, screenshots of dating app chats...) are fair game, but print them out or write them down for ease of use. ●带你需要带的东西, BUT to protect everyone’s identities REDACT any last names, 脸, 地址, 电话号码...we’ll also have redaction tools on site. Are there any artifacts that are off limits? ● Live animals (be reasonable, folks) ● All the shit you can’t bring on an airplane WARNING: Artifacts may get altered or destroyed during the exorcism. Only offer up objects that you are really ready to let go. OR JUST BRING YOURSELF; every ritual needs witnesses.   Doors open at 5:30 PM and MeMoSa begins at 6:00 PM  Capacity in the lab is capped at 40 audience members. Attendees who have 发请帖'd before the event will have priority, and admission will be determined on a first come first serve basis on arrival. If you 发请帖 before the event but you arrive late, we reserve the right to give your spot to someone on the waitlist.  Attendees who have not 发请帖'd will be put on a standby waitlist if they arrive in-person before the event. 发请帖表单   图像 图片来源:Olga Rabetskaya 后像 is a NYC-based 运动-theater company that develops original productions collectively, guided by the voices of each contributing artist. 融合戏剧的乐器, 运动, 观众互动, 和设计, 后像 welcomes what might be possible in solidarity. 培养信任关系, 互惠, 和快乐, 后像 grasps hold of the question “what is the art we need now?,然后跟着它走. 由Kate St. John and 艾米 Shoshana Blumberg and now under the Artistic Direction of Kate, 艾米, 还有扎伊德·皮特里, 后像 continually evolves its model for creating devised 运动-theater. Drawing on Kate’s background in design, 艾米在做导演/编舞, 和扎伊德的表现, 后像 builds out each team with performers, 设计师, 还有戏剧演员的技巧, 利益, and world views shape the content and form of each production. 不管起点是什么, 后像 keeps the role of the audience as a central focus in each creative process. 后像’s original evening-length works include 他称之为辛白林 (天普大学), 她有一连串的冒险经历 (Philadelphia Fringe Festival, 2019), 美国活动之家 (Theater for The New City, 2022), 还有《十大电竞游戏综合排名》! 社区Catharty Party (《十大电竞游戏综合排名》,2023年). 后像 is a Spring 2024 艺术家 at the Barnard Movement Lab. 在居住期间, 后像 will be collaborating with 3 courses of students to devise 向上流动的! Catharty的探索还在继续, an interactive multimedia installation inspired by the themes and delights of 让我们驱走! 运动实验室,Milstein LL020 十大电竞游戏综合排名 barnard-admin@digitalpulp.com 美国/ New_York 公共


让我们驱走! 海报

艺术家 后像 礼物: 让我们驱走! 社区Catharty Party



罪人,大汗者,爵士乐手! Grab your sweatband and join us for an interactive theatrical exorcism of the things holding us back. That artifact from your past that doesn’t belong in the trash, but needs to get the hell out of your life? 你知道的. 你以前朋友送的那件毛衣, the ugly souvenir from that messy weekend, or the letter you wish you hadn’t kept from your ex...? 如果你准备好向前看了...把它带到 让我们驱走! 并提供. IT. UP.

With a little help from our consummately qualified Catharty Captains, 动机堵塞, and stress relieving therabands you just might gift your object - and yourself - a brand new story.

● Any THING that you want to: release of its hold on you, 夺取它的权力, 要么就滚出你的家.
● Digital things (text messages, emails, screenshots of dating app chats...) are fair game, but print them out or write them down for ease of use.
●带你需要带的东西, BUT to protect everyone’s identities REDACT any last names, 脸, 地址, 电话号码...we’ll also have redaction tools on site.

Are there any artifacts that are off limits?
● Live animals (be reasonable, folks)
● All the shit you can’t bring on an airplane

WARNING: Artifacts may get altered or destroyed during the exorcism. Only offer up objects that you are really ready to let go. OR JUST BRING YOURSELF; every ritual needs witnesses.

Doors open at 5:30 PM and MeMoSa begins at 6:00 PM 

Capacity in the lab is capped at 40 audience members. Attendees who have 发请帖'd before the event will have priority, and admission will be determined on a first come first serve basis on arrival. If you 发请帖 before the event but you arrive late, we reserve the right to give your spot to someone on the waitlist. 

Attendees who have not 发请帖'd will be put on a standby waitlist if they arrive in-person before the event.



图片来源:Olga Rabetskaya

后像 is a NYC-based 运动-theater company that develops original productions collectively, guided by the voices of each contributing artist. 融合戏剧的乐器, 运动, 观众互动, 和设计, 后像 welcomes what might be possible in solidarity. 培养信任关系, 互惠, 和快乐, 后像 grasps hold of the question “what is the art we need now?,然后跟着它走.

由Kate St. John and 艾米 Shoshana Blumberg and now under the Artistic Direction of Kate, 艾米, 还有扎伊德·皮特里, 后像 continually evolves its model for creating devised 运动-theater. Drawing on Kate’s background in design, 艾米在做导演/编舞, 和扎伊德的表现, 后像 builds out each team with performers, 设计师, 还有戏剧演员的技巧, 利益, and world views shape the content and form of each production. 不管起点是什么, 后像 keeps the role of the audience as a central focus in each creative process. 后像’s original evening-length works include 他称之为辛白林 (天普大学), 她有一连串的冒险经历 (Philadelphia Fringe Festival, 2019), 美国活动之家 (Theater for The New City, 2022), and 让我们驱走! 社区Catharty Party (《十大电竞游戏综合排名》,2023年).

后像 is a Spring 2024 艺术家 at the Barnard Movement Lab. 在居住期间, 后像 will be collaborating with 3 courses of students to devise 向上流动的! Catharty的探索还在继续, an interactive multimedia installation inspired by the themes and delights of 让我们驱走!